standar aturan dalam melakukan joki games online :
Indonesia :
1. Jika ingin menawarkan joki game harus serius, jujur & no bacot
2. Jika sudah deal & setuju dalam melakukan transakasi dan jasa harus serius & focus atas waktu yang telah ditentukan
3. Penipuan dapat dilaporkan ke admin & staff webs untuk tindak lanjut, sebagai bukti SS harus di cantumkan dengan benar tanpa rekayasa/editan.
4. Bagi anggota webs yang belum tau & bagaimana jasa joki berlangsung bisa bertanya di forum ini.
5. Jika ada yang melanggar peraturan ini maka akan di banned permanent.
standard rules of doing jockey games online:
English :
1. If you want to offer a jockey game to be a serious, honest and no snout
2. If you have a deal and agreed to do the transaction and the services have to be serious and focus over a predetermined time
3. Fraud can be reported to the administrators and staff webs for follow-up, as evidence of SS must be included correctly without engineering / edits.
4. For webs members who do not know and how services could ask jockey took place in this forum.
5. If there is a violation of this rule will be banned permanently.
Indonesia :
1. Jika ingin menawarkan joki game harus serius, jujur & no bacot
2. Jika sudah deal & setuju dalam melakukan transakasi dan jasa harus serius & focus atas waktu yang telah ditentukan
3. Penipuan dapat dilaporkan ke admin & staff webs untuk tindak lanjut, sebagai bukti SS harus di cantumkan dengan benar tanpa rekayasa/editan.
4. Bagi anggota webs yang belum tau & bagaimana jasa joki berlangsung bisa bertanya di forum ini.
5. Jika ada yang melanggar peraturan ini maka akan di banned permanent.
standard rules of doing jockey games online:
English :
1. If you want to offer a jockey game to be a serious, honest and no snout
2. If you have a deal and agreed to do the transaction and the services have to be serious and focus over a predetermined time
3. Fraud can be reported to the administrators and staff webs for follow-up, as evidence of SS must be included correctly without engineering / edits.
4. For webs members who do not know and how services could ask jockey took place in this forum.
5. If there is a violation of this rule will be banned permanently.